Saturday, September 17, 2005

Didn't think it was possible .....

Tasted some of the worse wine I have ever tasted last night. The moving company that brings your furniture into Hong Kong is a nice enough company, but the wine provided at the wine tasting was remarkable ....In a bad way. None the less, it was fun to meet up with a mix of Westerners....Europeans and locals...Went over to Stanley after and couldn't even enjoy my burger...Was too sick. Initially, I thought it might be food poisoning ...As a result of the "cold sweat" I got in the restroom. However the images of people carting me out of a toilet...Knees akimbo, draws down seating like an marathoner...Was not appealing.

Pulling my act together took a while and my apologies to my friend BJ who talked to me the entire cab ride home...Didn't hear a word!

However in a funny matter, have you ever heard the banter of cab drivers on the dispatch radio...Imagine that in Chinese! ....It really messes with your head!

Last entry, I wrote about some bad karma...Well I worked on said person to develop good karma...(before a rugby tackle was due for her). It seems to have worked. Fingers crossed.



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