It's official ....
The project in Malaysia has been approved locally and I'm moving to Hong Kong. I'll probably start taking pictures of stuff in Tampa and my it will all start coming down in the near future (my flat only).
CONGRATS to my cousin Sophia on her successful completion of College!
I'm feeling better now ....
It's a weekend .... and I am not working that much! Went out for Happy Hour drinks at Rattlefish in South Tampa...good time had by all! I think our group might have scared some people though. I'll try to make it a regular new theme night called "Thirsty".
It's now Saturday afternoon, Lynn left me a message about chillin at the pool, I'm off to do some shopping and hit the driving range.
Pattern ....
Well, I'm back to working crazy hours and eating meals at 10pm nightly...yeah...get me ready for Men's Health magazine!
I was a little pissed about a comment made about me, that I don't deserve the promotion I got because I'm stupid! Well said person, mentioned that my emails from England had spelling mistakes...ughhh! She failed (probably in many ways) to understand that common words in the UK might be spelled in a different manner (as oppose to US).
After this was pointed out......full response...Oh? C'mon, will someone please help the American education system....people are falling through the cracks!!!