Sunday, July 08, 2007

I Go Hard, You Go Home - The Presets

I wish I could tell you that I had time to be updating this badboy on a regular basis, but I would be lying.

Work has picked the pace, staffing has, mongo has been a little over his head. Additionally, my personal focus has been on my wife and my father-in-law. This is really the priority and as far as the wedding is going ....all according to plan. (except my German is still very lousy, but I understand more ...heh heh)

(note: if your a guest, I have sorted the hotels for everyone...if you have not).

Today, was a good day, gym, e-mails and a video. As per usual, as it gets late ... I get into e-mails and catching up on the communication I avoided all day.

Take it easy

