Pluggin ....
I am groggy this morning...I've never taken one...but it feels like someone slipped a roofie in my drink? I came alone, pants were still on...(hah hah joke, I took them off early in the night).
I'm in a surreal place right now, should be very busy putting things away, selling my cars et all. Just don't feel like it. I think some retail therapy and social bevvies are in order.
posted by t. @ Saturday, July 30, 2005

Imagine that....
Had an early night, ate some crab cakes at Barnacles in Brandon. A bunch a camp leaders where in the bar...having a birthday party...some unsavory looking parents/guardians. On my worst judgement, went in to Quench (= ghetto for Brandon, Fl). The music was all BET (black entertainment's a American thing), but it was fun to watch and listen to some music ...I DON'T GET !!! Get crunk, blah blah blah ...
Left before midnight, before googles went on...and really bad judgements were made.
Check a nice PG blog...
The Sawin Diaries
When it pours....
blah blah blah...Tampa....blah blah blah....I'm down to a couple of weeks prior to leaving for Hong Kong and Gary's wedding in Richmond. That being said, my friend Tony and Judy are coming down to Tampa for a visit. In the same breathe....I recently got an olive branch from someone...I've always liked ...and she might be able to make some time to come down and see me also in Tampa.
YIKES .....
When the stars line up, they come in a gaggle. Did I mention that, others want to "suprise me" during the week and I have two leaving parties to attend...Belinda's and mine! Oh yeah, another co-worker wants me to host a party at her house to get people to come over... Where was all of this for the 12 months that I was actually in Tampa?
Stay tuned, as the pictures will tell the tale....
Well it's home from work about 30 minutes ago. Not tired. Not hungry. Nothin on TV. Just sat through an 8hr call with the project team from work in Portland, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Tampa....whew! Ticks had more brains on a bug zapper!
Enough work...getting a little nervous about the move to HK. Need to sell the cars and cut off the services...or I'll never get away. I'm tempted to take a weekend trip to Dallas or Albq. but time is not on my side. Rattlefish and Jackson's have become my people watching. Met a sexy woman named Nicole...figures!
Ok, getting tired and really just ramblin.....
This blog always insires me to write an entry.....
She Just Walks Around With It
It took me a while....
but everyone I know in London is ok. As most of my friends are like me...we are all over the place and not sure if we would have been in the area. I hope the apparent "Witch Hunt" is factual and sound. Nuff said.
So like today, I'm taking a day off from work like ...ok..(hanging around too many Californians again). I was at the Hard Rock Casino last a rock star!!!!! NOT. I won 79 dollars in one sitting at a slot machine. I promptly took my ticket and cashed out. Lady Luck doesn't play around...neither do I.
I didn't have a blog.....
when other major events happened that affected in London did. I know those places and treat them like a second home. I can recount the path in the tube, the buses, etc... aaahhh crap.
Ok talk to Chris n Debra...sounds like the spirit of Canadian Thanks giving is gong to make a comeback this year in Seattle (suburbs). The call is going out for the sarcasm patrol!.
She Just Walks Around With It
Canada Day (July 1st)
Hong Kong handover / transition day (July 1st)
American independence day (July 4th)
Same heat, different country...
Well after missing the month of June in Tampa, I'm back. Got a bit of a cough, my flat is looking unloved, but the car is working fine (go Benz). I haven't spent much time with the car, so she is not named yet.
I could go on and on about Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur, but I'm too tired and my time-clock has me up...(4:37am est) chow for now.