Happy New Year !!!

Well, that good ole year of 2005 is now over. I have spent my first Xmas and NYE in Asia. I actually had people over for social bevvies and a bit to eat ...and well ... some wanted to stay...and LKF was heaving with 6 times the amount of people it normally has...... attractive - not so much.
So, of the assembled group from Canada, UK and the Malay`s, we lost the Brits n a Canadian to wait in traffic. ...the Malay crew stayed at mine and toasted in the New Year.
I`m happy, safe and calling it a night without a hang-over! I am ...however currently falling asleep at the keyboard. So ...posted is a picture of one of the Cheong Kong building using their lights to bring in the New Years.
Later T.
from looking for somewhere to go ...to hosting!
Yep, you have 1 little dinner for international Thanksgiving (Canada and USA) and now I`m hosting NYE drinks n stuff at my place. There is a light side to this...at least I won`t get plastered as I`ll be running around ensure people have food n drink.
I`m sure there will be plenty of pictures (heh heh)...
...been away awhile ... Happy Holidays

So I made it back from vacation and went head down in to social events and catching up on work. Remember that comment about waking up when the body wanted to....it is harder to re-train the body into the pattern coming back. Additionally, being up a few school nights until 4am ...can make you tired.
So, know that you have my reason for not updating the blog...lets get to something fresh. The vacation ....it was crammed ...San Francisco, Porland, Seattle, Tampa, Key West and Dallas. United Airlines did their best to take up any free time I had between cities ....well done!
If you thought of it ...I was visiting the old band that I have seen in bits n pieces...so ....Leslie Brell, Leslie Fisher, Paul Dent, Ed Q, Deb n Chris, Christine n Mark where the old band members to catch up with ... missed on Ed Q, but I`m sure 2006 will allow for that.
All invitations went out to everyone I met to make their way to Hong Kong ... Andreas, Drew, Susan, Kay(booty bump master), Laura, Carlos (lets have drinks), Milind, Kevin, Jacqui, Latrece, Marcita, Kim, Neil and Shawn (congrats), Pankil(congrats), Adrian, Phil B (congrats), Pat (congrats), Ian (congrats), Uncle B, Cousin Soph, Aunt Mabel, Uncle B (Florida), Ashton (congrats) , Josie, Dockery, Carla (the stylist), Igg (brother from another mother), Jewels, Arlene, Sibb`s , Jo, Karen and friends of Bodamer ...
(I`ve missed many...but just going off of short term memory)
2005 was a very interesting year for me ....based out of Tampa, living in Sheffield, travelling between Sheffield, Tampa, London and Southend....then later in the year...relocating to Hong Kong...HK has been great! I admit, I miss a few things about Europe, US and Canada .... people and friends, being able to shop 24hrs a day, commercials for people with "short attention spans", driving my Merc, driving ...period and a larger pool of diversity (especially Latins, heh heh).
I`m living in Hong Kong, China SAR, not Japan for those of you that can remember that they are different ...(smile). The 24th is still not the best day of the year for me...but I`m owkring on it (smile)
All the best, Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings (in whatever your native religon may be...)
Tdotmore...2005 ...
(with a noodle up side your head...while showing the peace sign)

It's week number #2 of vacation and the traveling is just picking up again. So far:
- San Francisco
-Key West (today)
- then back to Hong Kong
Looking a map of the US, I'm doing a pretty big sweep of the country. It's good to see that some people still have a great sense of humour. Here is a short funny on George W. Bush this is pretty good . Other than that...enjoying waking up when the old body chooses to wake up...actually making it to the gym and eating so much less has been good for me.
Now...if I can just make it through Dallas with my Liver in tact....the vacation will be a success!
Unlike anywhere else in the world ...

Well...a few days into the vacation (so to speak), it more of catching up with some people...sleeping in and trying not to eat to much. Some observations so far...San Francisco has modernized....NOT SO MUCH ...in 5yrs. There are new places, residential development and the majority of the faces are different...but it is still the transitional town it was when I moved here. It is still very liberal, vibrant and strangely segregated ...all at the same time. It has been fun to see the people (ie: the replacements of other "alternate" people I knew 5yrs ago) ... like the picture on the right...middle of the day...no one really even looked at him twice (smile). I find myself...in a more national manner being sucked into watching commercials ... having lived in the the UK and now Hong Kong...you forget how attention oriented North Amercian ads are...."LOOK HERE NOW .... LAUGH / MAKE NO SENSE...NOW GO AND BUY IT !! It has been mentioned so far twice on this trip..."Miss the commercials eh Tony?" Have a look at this (press here).
Eventually, I'll update all my pictures onto Flickr...for the full vacation pics...but for now... an oldie of my "crazy ...in a good way friend/big sister"...Leslie ...from years ago ...glad I lost the tash!
San Francisco ..... 2005?

Well the vacation has begun. I made into SF later than planned yesterday and have been trying to sort out a mobile to use. My Hong Kong 3G phone ...no workie in USA...so I needed to revert to one of my numberous mobile phones ....couple of minutes ...wah-lah! I found a copy of SF Weekly and checked out SF Station to figure out whats up in the town I left almost 5 years ago ...