It`s bloody cold n wet here ...

Ahhhhh.... bone chilln Feb night in Hong Kong. I`ve been on the business trip and back now in the chill mode. KL is becoming more comfortablle each time I go there. I stayed at the Hilton this time ....SWEET! Upgrade on the room (Hilton) and I was in the playazone. Away from work, I have been much more chilled in general (even though my project is not some -good- at the moment).
My online interests have taken a bit of a slide, Rocketboom = down, Strong Bad = up! In general there seems to be some slippage in Blog updates from what I track on Bloglines. Other than Google video, Web 2.0 (there you go Ben) is more of a yawn. Here is what I am currently reading. heh heh.
As you can tell....
stayed away from the computer this weekend. I had some social bevvies at work, then came home and crashed. Saturday night, went out to dinner at the Pacific Club in Kowloon and then Aqua Spirit bar, then 2121 in LKF, then crashed. Sunday was a write off ...cooked and vegged all day. Pics on FLICKR, so have a look.
Monday morning, checked e-mail and wrote lame blog entry. Notice the lack of mention of any gym time there? In a matter of moments, my belly will be expanding....
This week, business trip and gym ...back to the focus.
I'm all over the spot ...
Settling in from my last business trip, has provided for some irregular sleep patterns. I think I'm coming into my own...and I'm off to KL again next week. nice
random quote : When it rains, it pours... (yes that was cryptic)
random observation : Hong Kong island is deathly quiet at 5:30am ....
Brand new look ...
I gave the blog a little re-birth and then left for almost 2 weeks. I am missing some links to the site and need to relate some updates since late January (right, its February now). There are some great pics from KL, barely any pics from Tampa (was seriously on a work tip only).
I`ll target to get this bad boy updated this week.