I miss London ....really
Had a good time at Gary n Anna's wedding here in Richmond, Surrey, UK. Landed in on Thursday night and been with "the lads" since then. Sunday was the first to relax for almost everyone... Caught up with a friend this evening and had a meal at Gaucho Grill (Argentine Steak House) ..yum. Physically tired and looking forward to sleeping in this morn (he says at 2:45am).
First Day of School ......
Well, it actually was my first day of work in HK. It started simple enough with a nice cuppa tea (PG tips). Everything was looking cool....then I went downstairs to catch the free shuttle to the MTR (subway).
Introduce .....HUMIDITY.....equals - nasty looking sweat on a light blue dress shirt! As i am dealing with my issues, dude and his escort from last night come down in the next elevator. He....pretends like he doesn't know her anymore...she is busy texting with somone on her mobile (about 5 feet behind him). Either they are married or he is pretending like he doesn't know her.....ANYMORE!
So that provides mild amusement away from the sweatpig, I've turned into.
....getting to work is non-eventful. Same amount of people still stare at me .....
The day starts....MEETINGS .............break for lunch .......MEETINGS ......break again at 6:30pm for a "Pig Cutting" ceremony! Hey hey...that's different? So we all parade into the boardroom, take a picie and cut a pig....
8pm...time to go home.
Getting sorted ...

Been to busy trying to figure out my new flat and way around Hong Kong. I did sort out my suits n ties...this was inspired byBen's picture of socks in a drawer www.sawin.com . First day in the HK officially tomorrow....it's almost like school. There are more at www.flickr.com/photos/soulrider
Made it to HK .......
at 11:30pm...then, no driver with the keys to my flat! Hey ....be thankful for the little things (like nobady crashing into the planes engine.)
Thank goodness for the Marriott.
The travel day...after shutting down TPA
I got everything done and without any injuries. Offloaded two cars, bought 3 suits, 4 pairs of shoes, picked up my UK tickets, HK work visa, signed some expenses, cleaned up the apartment for the rental office walkthrough, detailed the one of the cars (prior to selling it), gifted another Flickr (www.flickr.com) account to a friend, fowarded my mail and allowed time for a quick social bevvie. ...whew!
So....I'm riding on that high....feeling the sense of accomplishment, and it's Thursday...travel day. Lets start with Tampa, make it to the airport - fine, flight leaves on time - fine, get to Chicago - fine, leave Chicago to Hong Kong - PROBLEM.
Seems a United airlines employee (www.untied.com or www.united.com depending on how you feel.) wasn't paying attention and crashed into one of the planes engines. Upon review by the ground staff...seems our plane is BROKE!
So after having the mandatory social bevvies to ensure proper sleep on a 15 hour flight, I need to drag myself around O'hare until they can find another flight crew/plane/yadda yadda yadda.
Well it's 4pm cst, and there is another scheduled flight now for 6pm cst. You do the math, it'll be late in HK, if/when we leave. I'm handling this pretty cool (better to get off a broken plane, than fly over water with it), but some people are just losing it...so far, then men have been the worst!
Wi-fi is great, I'm the envy of those landline suckers around me.....hah hah hah....
Random pictures ...from the past week.

Look ...

In the words of ...
someone from Flickr...I'm shattered! I have had a long weekend (no sleep), was packing most of the morning...now me and the movers are getting me out of the flat. I can't wait to sleep tonight!
Numb...is the brain

Well, when your entertaining...your entertaining...I booked the tickets, but sans brainfart for one please!.. So Robin is in town tonight. heh heh
Btw, the pictures of a roaming Romeo on Saturday night at Floyds in the Hard Rock Casino and Resort (sic). We all could learn wrestling moves from this dude.
A link to pictures ....
Tony & Jewels have left for home in Toronto..I'll miss'em. We had a fun weekend ...seeing all the "culture" of Tampa...heh heh.
None the less...pics on flickr and story on here to come...
It's Saturday ....

It's been a long Friday and Saturday. I picked up Tony and Judy at TPA and proceeded to Rattlefish to feed them as Air Canada does offer food (key word : offer....it's for sale). Got'em in , at too much, have a bit of a kip, the ready for the night. Went back to Rattlefish and then over too Jackson's. ow, I may be going to Jackson's alot, but it is fun to people watch and have a social bevvie. There were plenty of sights and a rather long night.
Today...slow start, St Pete's Beach and some scenes of Tampa. Tonight...Hard Rock Casino and Resort...heh heh...
It's Friday ....
Went out on a school night again...(because I'm not going into work today). This last days in a city stuff is tiring! I will miss having a look at all the silicone and big hair ("Blue Martini), but that will be life outside of the southwest US. Still haven't sold my cars (yeah two of them) otherwise everything is on track.
A couple of friends in town this weeked...so that little sleep I got last night...was it for the weekend!
Fixed !!!!
Nothing like the ole....turn it off , turn it on again to fix an alignment problem. I was doing a random read of some blogs and a call to order was made for comments.
"This Bear likes tourists...so wave at the bear".
Witty banter is good, or a really bad joke will help me in my social circles......NOT.
What the faaaaaaa......

All my links and stuff are gone on the right..... (ras a fracas, ras a grumble..mumble..)