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So, another week has passed, work is work...politics are coming n going. Went out a few times on school nights as we had company in from the Middle East and USA. I`m not cut out for social bevvies without exercise. The wear n tear is breaking me down.
Figured things out about 3-4 weeks ago, but still no real contact from NYC. Nuff said.
Weight loss is happening naturally....put on a shirt I wore in June (tight) and now (loose). So adding in the workouts will be a bonus.
My amah/domestic helper/maid/personal assistant should start in a few weeks.....yeah!
Additionally, found a fanzine site to Soccer AM, the funniest football show in the world....You'll notice the quotes from now on.
New computer ...new challenges ...
Had a peaceful weekend, got my new TV, moved the computer to the den for use as a computer, not a TV. Every site now...comes up in Chinese...I know why....but it`s the hassle..
Didn't think it was possible .....
Tasted some of the worse wine I have ever tasted last night. The moving company that brings your furniture into Hong Kong is a nice enough company, but the wine provided at the wine tasting was remarkable ....In a bad way. None the less, it was fun to meet up with a mix of Westerners....Europeans and locals...Went over to Stanley after and couldn't even enjoy my burger...Was too sick. Initially, I thought it might be food poisoning ...As a result of the "cold sweat" I got in the restroom. However the images of people carting me out of a toilet...Knees akimbo, draws down seating like an marathoner...Was not appealing.
Pulling my act together took a while and my apologies to my friend BJ who talked to me the entire cab ride home...Didn't hear a word!
However in a funny matter, have you ever heard the banter of cab drivers on the dispatch radio...Imagine that in Chinese! ....It really messes with your head!
Last entry, I wrote about some bad karma...Well I worked on said person to develop good karma...(before a rugby tackle was due for her). It seems to have worked. Fingers crossed.
Back n forth with "The Wizard"
Falling asleep in front of the TV after ironing the clothes for work tomorrow...some things never change... where ever I am in the world. That being said, the computer was still logged in and Black Sabbath - The Wizard was playing...so your getting an update.
Lets see, this could have been named "I get the blame" if I had wrote this update on Saturday morning. It was another social bevvie night in Hong Kong...start in the local office (Kowloon), then off to HQ for some on the 28th flr. There is never a shortage of Kiwi's / Aussie's or Brits to chat to... the Yanks aren't talkin as they are still freaked out they are drinkin at WORK! Well as we move on to the city local ..LKF ...a lil grub and then off to the Russian Vodka bar....(wait that was Saturday night!)...Yeah, we went to Insomnia...a spilled beer (not me) and we are out of the joint...there is a lil beer influenced tude (not me) ...but nothing to worry about...."Taxi ! ....and its resolved.
Saturday...some retail therapy for a co-worker who could have went all WWE if she didn't get her TV fix. Thankufully, Godzilla didn't have to rise again to fight...TV purchased! A few co-workers in town for a stop-over to Malaysia, back to the local....LKF. Off to the Russian bar for shots in the chill room, Insomnia...for people watching and then to a couple of lil vodka bars... bad dancing has found it pass ..and it is in full effect. Fade to black ...heh heh
Sunday...recovery...nuff said
This week...plenty of arguements at work...not fun...not good karma in my opinion. Next weekend is a long wkd for HK...Moon Cake Festival? Huh?
Beer influenced romance ....
A common activity for the ex-pat community (mainly men). I was out last night trying to find somewhere to chill and enjoy the variety of people, music et all..... yeah well no. It's early days, but there is a specific segmentation between the ex-pat community and the locals. That being said, there are numerous integrated and well mixed people/groups/et all....just that I haven't found them!
I am admittedly concerned that I am going to be grouped into the typical "rub n tug" ex-pat as I am a single man in HK. I joked a couple of weeks ago when me and a co-worker (who happens to be of American-Filipino heritage and drinks like a champ and could tell off any of these drunk Brits /Aussies /Kiwis / Yanks /Canucks /Yarpies ...) were doing the late round of social bevvies (as you all know...I'm partial too..) and she wondered a couple of points:
1) Why Dudes were staying away from her?
2) Why some of the local Filipinas were giving her the dirty looks?
Funny, I pointed out that everytime someone bumped into her (whatever the state of boozing), they would look at her, then at me....then BIG TIME apology! I had to break it down to her...that I typically don't look like the person to mess with (what ever state of drunkenness) and they figure...say sorry or get beat up...simple. There can also be a moment of clarity...heh heh
The second point pissed her off more...I told her...look around...all the other Filipinas...were very much in the laps/all over/hard core socializing (you fill in the blanks here) with guys that ... from an appearance standpoint...hadn't fully reached their best. We were sitting side by side...watching the night go by and having a laugh...like friends....apparently this might not be computing to some of the ladies...working the oldest trade! As I finished that response...the light bulb went off...and she was pissed. She then paid attention to other "ladies" staring at me...then her....and then trying to get my attention.... she got it...not happy.
Another lesson learned ...living in the Far East!