Yeah, yeah, yeah...I`m back....

Holidays...always too short!
The trip with Tanja to Germany and Switzerland was excellent. Tanja`s friends and family were cool and Lausanne and Montreux were worth the time and effort. I learned a bit of history, that Tanja has a ¨lead¨foot when driving (all those years of driving on the Autobahn..), a lil more german and that me and Papa Bodamer enjoy jazz and whiskey!
We took about 750 pictures in total, but I only posted about 100 on my Flickr site, so have a look. (you can either click on Flickr or look ...or on the link on the side to see them.
Hong Kong pretty much stayed the same, but the heat and sticky weather is upon us...this means rain season is coming.
Tonight Wayne-o is having his 40th b-day party at the Bank dining room...41st floor of the HSBC building.... pictures to come.
Missed an opportunity ...
for a post on April Fools Day...was travelling back from Malaysia. Another visit to Kuala Lumpur and additional weight lost. I enjoy the food, but nothing sticks! Warm lunches on warm days, with very littme red meat...just a variety of veggies and some poultry.... NOTHING sticks to the belly.
I'm settling into Asia a bit better, establishing a solid ring of local friends that ensure tasty local dishes are not put in my line of sight.
I completely missed out on the Hong Kong Sevens action in town, I"m sure there are some sore heads in HK ...right now. I managed to see the last 3 minutes of the championship and watched a Fijian player break his arm (sunday night telly!)
Two more days in the HK, then off to Stuttgart and Geneva (area) for a vacation. I wonder if I can chill, even though I am bringing my laptop and blackberry?