Monday, June 27, 2005

I'm 38....

So, I've been in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia...Since the 10th of the month. Like Cancun, Mexico...The city is a contradiction...The separation between "have" and "have not's...Is great! Downtown KL is very right in culture and history, but the smog and grime is really bad.

I see more bootleg US hip hop videos, software and DVD's. The nightlife (The Beach....dodgy!!). There are plenty of excellent restaurants even if you can't eat Coconut, Nuts and Fish (typical Malaysian food fare).

Overall, my impression of KL to date, is a cool mix of a variety of Asian cultures. The don't publicly identify with the West..., but it is not too strange to a first time visitor.

btw - It's bloody hott.



Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Day After .....Big Nite in HK

Whoa.... that was painful. Bringing back typical UK rules of "no dinner, just drink"....provide much pain this morning (and some afternoon).

I worked a typical day until 7pm...went to the company canteen (ie: Bar), then into the city (LKF. see link) fo social bevvies. It was a good fun, then tiring, then sloppy.

The funny thing is I got back to the hotel at 2pm. (early nite)

Thank goodness, HK is full of fog and is basically gray and rainy right now. Perfect for hangovers.

Regarding the week:

- I'm getting used to people staring at me.
- "Big Guy" is a friendly term
- Drunk yobbo's think I'm some Amercian football player and want to be my best mate
- The "call girl types" that linger in the hotel bar, don't like amercian black men, apparently they are rough? (Bad rep....but good effect!)


| (press here)

This is the Blog I camae across when I was trying to find out information about HK. It is well written, not too personal, but helpful in the day to day kindof stuff.


| (press here)

After a little chat with Ben, I find out that we are both Blogn about being here in HK. Link attached.



Saturday, June 11, 2005

First full day in HK !!!!!

After what was a decent flight on United to Hong Kong (minus the crabby flight attendants....), I am here! The city is pretty intense and it is nice to sense the buzz of a big city.

I met up with Wayne last night, hung out in the hotel lounge and listened to really cheesy singing....I'm sure all my nights will be like this?

It's Saturday now and I've taken a few pictures of the island and the view from the Parkview flats. (pictures to be updated on Flickr tonight)



Sunday, June 05, 2005

Florida 101 ...away from Disney...

Ok so, I've been around the town I supposedly call home Tampa. After supporting the economy a bit, I stopped in the local sports bar (with 330 TV screens) to see if any international football friendlies were on (that means international world cup soccer matches...translation is free). As I was sitting at the bar, I got to watch plenty of NASCAR (driving and only turning left not a sport!), a lil golf and eventually some MLS game with the Chicago Fire. The game was good, the food was saved by two Corona's ...but the desert walk in the door right after the game.

A wedding party? Bride, Groom, wedding party...the whole shooting match...walked into the Sports Bar apparently after their wedding for some cold ones and chicken wings....what the faaaaaaaa? how do I know so much...people were sending over beers to the wedding felt surreal!

For those who care, the bride was in a white flowing dress, head stuff and everything else....WOW! Welcome to Brandon, Florida...



Saturday, June 04, 2005

Been traveling ....Back in Tampa

Well, I've had two trips to Chicago and loved it!. Next week, I'm of to Hong Kong and then Malaysia.... I've been meaning to write an update, but too tired. That being said, went out last night with Greg, Steve O, Stacy, Carlos and Nella. Played some pool at the Rack in Hyde Park.

Tampa is a bit weird! Me n Greg started off at another pool/bowling alley....and a family was having their "WEDDING RECEPTION" there? I mean, grandma, pa, kids ..the whole shooting match. We had to leave that place quickly!.

So, after have a chill nite, driving home, stop off at 7/11 to pick up some gatorade...and there is a woman at the gas pump.....leaning on her truck...ASLEEP! with the pump in the truck! Apparently the group of people watching here (about 12), said she has been there for 15mins..!

I'm not sure what is more sad, being that drunk and falling asleep pumping gas....or watching someone like that for 15 mins....aaaaaaahhhhh Florida!
