This not naff ..

I admit I am a geek and...I`m kinda proud of it. I have found my way back to daily newszines like Rocketboom. but I am running into cool sites that keep you mildly entertained ...hence a interactive web-site on Bruce Lee, check it out. (btw - yeah that is Puff Daddy, Diddy, Puffy, Pizzle, fa Shizzle, da dimple ...whatever his name is...)
By the way, please check this out really don`t want Chris Christmas Rodriquez to come to your party... (you all are going to get tired of me mentioning this guy!
Success ...

The belated Thanksgiving dinner was a success for all that came, ate and feel asleep there after. I ended finishing cooking early and really should be asleep now...but plenty of pictures...(on my Flickr ...too come once approved by others.
cèst la vie ...

Well having my morning cuppa tea, reading for "keep my eyes busy", I was thinking about my first company xmas party in Hong Kong. Lets was different. first, everyone only consumed orange juice and the occassional beer (yeshhh!). I of course ordered white and red I looked at the menu for the night...and realized...that I wasn`t able to eat alot of the traditional Chinese food being prepared.
We played plenty of interactive games and the department gave away so many computer prizes...the I thought the event was sponsored by Sony PSP or Apple Ipod nano? The major grand prize was a IBM laptop...that they joked could be brought to work. My highlight was the "make a fool of the management" section during one of the contests. Western oriented HR teams would be in a cold sweat as they asked four senior managers on-stage to chug a beer, before other human defying tasks.
The event was fun-ny, if you know what I mean. A good time was had by all and then another typically Hong Kong thing occurred.... by the time youd could say "bye byeeeeeeee" a quarter of the room had their coats on were down the stairs. There is none of that mull around stuff going on...
(btw - join and add me as a blog to track. This will save your hunting for an update as it will let your know when I got off of my lazy *** and updated this. )
A life ....was trying it for a while .....

Seems like that time before major holidays when everyone is very busy with parties, shopping and hooking up. I was stumping (that was for Ben) and figured before a long night out on Saturday, I`d have a disco nap(that was for Wayne ....wikipedia posse in effect). Nap taken...all was right in the world. ate at El cid in Stanley outside and froze my coco-NUTS off. Somehow in moving to Hong Kong...this Canadian forgot everything to do with wind and cold air. ...Now you are saying...(especially in Toronto...) "You don`t know what cold is?. RIGHT ....I dont! I`ve lived in California, London, Tampa and now Hong Kong ...snow? what snow? Cold, breeze? Forgot them all..... In the UK...more rain please! Elsewhere mentioned...picking only from my selection of light cotton on what was going to be worn. I digress ...
Actually, the blogs I follow...have been very boring of late. I guess I have been to busy (sly grin) and un-inspired to put something in the box. So...consider this like "running in place"...there is movement, but it is not going anywhere....
btw - November 23rd - Department Xmas party ..... yep you read the date right.
Cartoons ......

So things are going pretty well this week. I have been a bit tardy in updates, as I have been having a social life! That being said, making more friends (German, Italian, Aussie and Dutch). The continual sweep of people that I will want to hang out and those ...that are "Not so much" will continue, heck I have only been here 6 weeks.
Some points to ponder in HongKong:
If everything is so safe and clean....Where is the grime and criminals?
Why does most people here throw up the "peace" sign when they take pictures? I want peace also, just I feel like I missed the memo...
I new there was a lack of love...but the underlying dislike for the Japanese is strong with alot more HongKongers than I imagined.
Damn...Korea is a pretty powerful country.
Damn...Malaysia is a very diverse country.
Damn..Macao is the real secret in Hong Kong, ..mountain biking, casinos, eh..ermm...friendly people.
.....otherwise...3 weeks and I`m in the US of A. Starting on the west coast and making my way east.
Moore red wine ...please

A long week went by, plenty of meetings (so I must be important) and meals at alot of nice places. I figure there was at least 30hrs of my life that I will never get back wasted (out of about 60 hours worked last week).
(btw - I just wanted to share the experience of drinking with my co-worker Ben ( Now... you can talk smack with us at a local bar/restaurant.
I`m slowly discovering the Kowloon side of HK.... pretty crowded, but pretty nice. I was in this restaurant on Friday evening (Felix) at the Pennisula felt like I was sitting in NYC or Chicago (too much space for London, Paris or even Hong Kong). Made some new friends, and actually chilled all day Sunday!
Plenty of details left out....but thats on purpose (smile).