Public Enemy ....

is what I`m listening too. No updates, means I`ve been trying to do things ...away from the computer. I made it to the driving range last weekend, cover my 3 days of working out and caught up with a few friends who I haven`t seen in a while.
I made it out to a team dinner last night in an area called Sai Kung (its the furthest north to China I`ve been...heh heh). Dinner was like the one in Lamma Island...fresh seafood ... pick it, they cook it, you eat it. For the record, I ate the white rice and enjoyed it (nuff said).
The work crew has been together for a couple of weeks, but we are all breaking out our passports for more travel..... so it was nice to be home for a bit.
Tonight, out for some mongolian bbq? in Kowloon...then drinks at Aqua (Mattius & Tanja like it complaints from me...). I need a little boogie, but havent been out dancing in a while....mmmnnnn
Hong Kong is cool, Sally likes Amercian Idol (ick), Tanja is ready for the vacation and I leave for Kuala Lumpur for a week before the vacation.
(throwing up a peace sign in case your taking a picture.)
Trust me to drive?
Another week in the HK, and still enjoying it. This weekend was a little jaunt out to JJ`s in the Grand Hyatt (instead of the company bars and shadier parts of town). The band is tight and play a nice mix of music. It was not a late one, but when will everyone read the memo ... "dont keep up on the drinks with me". Lets say there were some sore heads on Saturday .....not mine! On Saturday afternoon, Benny-wah rented the Bank junk (translation : HSBC boat) we took it out a 2pm (booked till 10pm). Mmmnnnnnn ... lets see, too much drink and a boat ride the next afternoon .... the waves/swell was not appreciated by most (only Lulu who is pregnant had a real excuse in my opinion). We ended up taking the trip in phases and chilled in Repulse Bay. Then over to Lamma Island for some seafood (yum, my favorite...). Sunday was a chill out and watched "Broken Flowers".
Put down the hot dog .....step away ......
Well since we last spoke, had a bout of the old stomach virius (see unplanned weight loss), got to the gym twice and got spanked again in squash...(thanks to the Webbs family). I've been a bit slow on taking pictures, but guess what....I might be going back to Malaysia heh...I'll take more. I'm sure the picture taking will increase when I'm back in Europe in April.
Added some links to the page again and will look to have more things blinking on the page.
Friday night ...
After Belinda and I talked B out of going to Happy Valley to drink beers outside, we settled into the Union Bar in IFC. Typical for what you would expect in a "after work" social bevvies, but in the upscale mall in Hong Kong island ...IFC. We were all happy that the week was n B got our US taxes done (yep, A Canadian, who is in HK, based on a transfer from US, where he also had a work permit, that just expired).
Yester day started off as a laugh as I talked to my bbrother from another mother ... Tony D`Agostino and he shared some jokes that had me laughing and telling them all day. This morning, I got a nice suprise e-mail from Andrea (also in Toronto), it was cool as we hav eknow each other before the jet setting....and she had done a tour of Asia as well.
Work wise, I didnt have to hurt anyone, but I might need to go back to Malaysia to manage some people on-site. ...4 weeks until a vacation to Europe.
Making an effort...
Played raquetball last night with Wayne. Got spanked in three games straight. (this is suppose to be good for me right). At least this morning I can walk! No messing around, got to get in 3-4 workouts a week. This Saturday is my working Saturday....arrgghhhh less sleep.
I`ve been meaning to contact my Uncle B in the Washington area, as one of my NYE resolutions was to catch up with ....Adrian (I know you read this on occassion), when are you coming to HK? Lets see who reaches Herb first about travel to HK (the Moore clan is the most primitive in communication with each other.... ie: none!).